Standards of Business Conduct
Our goal is to make a profit by supplying our customers with the best possible mechanical and analytical testing services available, at fair value, in a manner which enriches the lives of our stakeholders and their families. To achieve that goal, WMT&R, Inc. is committed to the support, encouragement, and execution of our Standards of Business Conduct as defined below.
We believe that the attribute of excellence in our methods, people performance, instrumentation, and innovation is a journey and never a destination.
We are committed to being a competitive asset to our customers, for without them, we are a business without purpose.
We realize that only by proceeding our customer’s expectations for turnaround time and quality can we
expect to earn the long-term loyalty.
We continuously communicate throughout our organization that we will endeavor, as best as we can, to earn the trust and confidence of our customers through every contact between us.
WMT&R encourages its people, at all levels, to create their own opportunities for personal and professional growth within the organization.
We return value to the community where we work and live through leadership, sponsorship, and the encouragement to maintain an appropriate balance in our professional and family lives.
We seek to improve the effective performance at all levels of the organization through educational opportunities, training, and providing a work environment that encourages innovation.
We challenge our policies, procedures, methods, actions and directives to ensure, “in black or white” that they are safe, lawful, moral, and ethical to the highest of professional and public standards.
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc. recognizes it leadership role in the testing industry, and as such, seeks to create a high bar for business ethics.
We keep our word; our handshake is binding.